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kids beach

Summertime Sunscreen Safety

Summertime is the most important time to protect your children from the sun’s rays. Staying in the shade and covering up the skin are the most protective ways to avoid sun exposure and always your first line of defense. But, for those sunny outdoor days where exposure is expected, sunscreen can provide protections from the


Calcium & Vitamin D Recommendations

How much calcium and Vitamin D does my child need? We get this question a lot during our well child exams. The answer varies per age group, but according to the American Academy of Pediatrics these are the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA): 0-6 months > 200 mg calcium daily > 400 IU vitamin D 7-12

playing in the wind

Camp Safety Recommendations

As all your children go off to summer camp, we wanted to bring up some of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations prior to participating! Day camps and resident camps are great opportunities for children to get out and be around others. Approx 14 million children attend day or resident camp during the summer. There are

Breastfeeding Benefits

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly supports breastfeeding as the preferred method of feeding newborns. The current recommendation is no formula, water or juice for the first 6 months. Breast milk has many medical and psychological benefits not available from human milk substitutes such as formula.

baby learning to swim

Summer Swim Safety For Your Children

With the summer rapidly approaching, we wanted to take a minute to discuss the importance of pool safety! According to the CDC, drowning kills more children between the ages of 1-3 than anything else, excluding birth defects. It is estimated that three children die every day as a result of drowning. It can happen to

baby sleeping

Safe Sleeping Practices For Your Infant

A quick reminder about the importance of sleep safety. A May 2019 review by the American Academy of Pediatrics showed that many infant suffocation deaths are preventable and due to unsafe sleep practices! Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) describes the sudden/unexpected death of a child under the age of 1, where the cause is not

children playing

Get your children active

A recent review of 27 studies from various countries has shown that there is a decrease in physical activity among both children and teens, starting as young as 7 years of age! We all know physical activity is a key component in a healthy lifestyle, this applies to both children and teens. Above all, regular activity


Childhood Nutrition

I know getting your child to eat is hard enough, but what they eat is also crucial! Good nutrition is an essential part of your child’s health. High cholesterol in young children is becoming increasingly prevalent in light of the growing obesity epidemic. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 1 in 3 children is categorized


Allergies and Anaphylaxis

Would you know if your child was having an allergic reaction? The first step is recognizing key symptoms! Food allergies occur when the body has a specific immune response to a distinct food or food group. This response can be mild or life threatening, such as anaphylaxis. According to the CDC, 90% of serious food

don't smoke

Tobacco Exposure in Children

Keep your children safe, keep them in a smoke-free environment! According to the CDC, about 4 in 10 children in the United States between the ages of 3-11 years old are exposed to harmful second hand smoke. A majority of smoke exposure is in the home. Smoking in front of a window, in a different